What a year it’s been…..


Amalfi Blue by Lisa FantinoIt was a year ago today that I released “Amalfi Blue, lost & found in the south of Italy.”  It has been quite a ride.  The memoir of my life in Italy and a love for life has led me around the world and into the hearts and homes of many wonderful people.  I am proud to say that it has sold in eleven countries to date from as far north as Canada to as far south as New Zealand.

It has pushed me to learn skills that I never imagined about book formatting and design and it has introduced me to people who I never knew existed before Amalfi Blue.  Men and women have found humor and wisdom in my words and that makes me smile.

More than anything, it has shown me the way to write again and there’s much more on the way with my first mystery-political thriller coming out late spring.  “Shrouded in Pompei” is on the way.

Grazie tantissimo!