Building a Chapter

Again you get to grade my homework from my Master Class. James Patterson asked us to think of a story in our personal life and set up a chapter based on that experience. You could do the same thing for your writing spark. ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦ Driving...

Time and Place

Today’s writing spark:  Think of your favorite place and favorite time of day.  Now describe that attraction to a stranger who’s never been there before in 100 words or less.  Don’t think.  Just stream of consciousness. Here’s what I came up with: Sorrento at Sunset There’s a moment of...

Writing Spark – Born to write!

It happens the moment a young writer firsts holds a crayon.  We grab hold of the nearest colorful object and just start scribbling lines in aimless patterns that only the little mind can understand.  It happens before we’re able to voice our inner child with a big, loud voice,...